Our mission is to be a positive presence in our community and natural environment and to offer our guests the chance to enjoy and learn from this remarkable area.
About Us
Baja Sierra Adventures was started by Edgardo Cortes, originally from Mexico City. Edgardo grew up in Mexico City where he studied engineering, theatre and human development. After working for a few years in an office one day he packed his bags and decided to pursuit his love for the outdoors.
He has worked as a lead guide with companies such as Baja Outdoor Activities, Sea & Adventures, Adventurous Women, Mountain Travel Sobek, Wilderness Travel and Back Roads.
We partner with local farmers, landowners and community members to offer an authentic experience about the local culture while bringing awareness about this amazing way of living.
They are the masters in the art of the good living.
All our trips start at our “office” in beautiful Santiago town, at Huerta La Palma, right at the oasis. A small mango orchard where we harvest the mangoes for the season to do our famous mango smoothies and margaritas that we offer to all our guest!